Isaiah 58:9 ...cry for HELP, and He will say: HERE am I.


Working together to serve our community are the Churches and Christian charities of your local area. Our aim is to enable you to find the help you need quickly. Select the item above which matches your need best to display the services available. Can't see what you need? - Contact Us for more help.


HUBs are community spaces where multiple services are available to all. Click a HUB for more details of services available at your chosen HUB.
Wave Hub
Holy Trinity Church Hall, Back Hamlet, Ipswich, IP38AJ
Hope Works
Hope Church, The Hope Centre, 10 St Margaret's Street, Ipswich, IP4 2AT
12 noon - 2pm every Thursday, excluding August

HERE to serve?

Are you working in the community and want to list your programme here? Complete our online form to get it listed.

HERE to advise?

Do you give advice to people in need? Contact Us and lets talk about how we can work closer.