Street Outreach - Route 2 Freedom

Route2Freedom is a recently established Christian charity based in Ipswich that helps those suffering from addictions, homelessness and other challenges find freedom from the past and discover a route to a better future. Our goal is to help people experience freedom from life controlling issues; whether that be homelessness or addiction. We believe that every person has intrinsic value and that offering the right support provides people with the opportunity to choose freedom. We seek to provide an environment of love and care surrounded by an atmosphere of hope and expectation. Our strategy is built around three key components: ​ 1. The outreach team make connections with people on the streets – to meet them where they are. 2. The team build relationships, provide ongoing support and look to help signpost to other support networks who can help – rehab centres, local foodbanks, hostels, accommodation, etc. 3. The team also help connect those in need to local church communities who can provide loving, stable, caring and accountable relationships and pastoral support. Our Team is comprised of 4 support workers and team leader who work with the board of trustees to provide support to the most vulnerable. Our support workers are Natha, Liam, Esme, Helen and Team Leader Andrew. Charity number: 1190159

Available on the street Tuesday and Friday 9:30 am to 2:30pm
Please see our website at
Contact details
Ask for Natha, Liam, Esme, Helen or Team Leader Andrew
Supported and aided by the following organisations:-
Burlington Baptist Church
Capel Community Church
The Forge Church
Greenfinch Church
Ipswich International Church
Safe Harbour Church
Ashcroft Christian Fellowship
Hope Church Ipswich
Shepherd Drive Baptist Church
St Augustines Church
Nansen Road Baptist Church
Mission Ipswich East
St Peters Church Stoke
Additional services are also available at this Hub:-