
Lighthouse is a Suffolk based charity that supports women, young people and children who are affected by domestic abuse. We offer refuge for women, young people and children who are fleeing an abusive situation. Once you are safe, our team will help you rebuild your life. From sorting out your benefits, to arranging school places and assisting with moving on into a new home when ready. We also run a women’s centre in central Ipswich. This service is open to women, young people and children affected by domestic abuse. However, anyone is able to contact us for advice. We are not here to judge you, or pressurise you into making decisions you aren’t comfortable with. Our services are free, and confidential. You are not alone.

9am - 5pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
238 Felixstowe Road Ipswich IP3 9AD
Calling on the phone is the best way to engage
Contact details
01473 228270
Supported and aided by the following organisations:-
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Additional services are also available at this Hub:-