Ipswich Housing Action Group - ihAg

We offered a confidential space and listening ear to uncover the personal circumstances that lead each person to homelessness. We provided showers and hot food and drink to those who called doorways, graveyards, and park benches home for the night, and gave them clean clothes and an address to collect their post from. We provided advice and support with money management skills, to help people get back on their feet. We supported people to apply to the Local Authority for emergency and temporary accommodation. We worked with health, addiction, and other support agencies to make sure their basic human needs were met. We gave advice and guidance to everyone who came to our door for help. Together with them, we have changed lives.

Monday through Saturday
The Chapman Centre 1 Black Horse Lane Ipswich IP1 2EF
Call us for help
Contact details
01473 232426
Supported and aided by the following organisations:-
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