Select any project for full details and contact information.
Ashcroft Coffee Morning

A weekly get together for friendship in a warm environment. We share together free hot drinks with cake and chat in an informal setting.


Each Friday from 10:00am until approx 11:00am


BEAM is a peer to peer support group for birth mothers apart from their children (eg adoption, foster care, SGO). We have face to face meetings for mothers in the Ipswich area and online wellbeing groups for those in other parts of the country.


In person Monday 10:30am - 12pm. Online midweek 8pm-9pm

Craft Club

If you are looking for a friendly group and enjoy doing crafts in the company of others over refreshments, look no further. We run weekly sessions every Tuesday morning for two hours. Session cost £1.50. Refreshments to purchase. Suitable for Adults, children with parents age 7 and above.


Tuesday 10:00 am - 12:00 noon

Drop In Community Cafe

The perfect place to pop in for a cuppa and a chat. Free hot and cold drinks and light refreshments are available.


Thursdays 2:30pm - 4:30pm

Family First

Family First is a Christian charity which seeks to increase parents and carers confidence, social support networks and mental wellbeing. Our vision is to see families that are resilient, thriving and happy.


9am through 3pm Monday to Friday

Little Shoots

Growing through play, rooted in Jesus - playtime, story, snack and convesation as we build community. Accessible for all. £1.50 per family.


Every Wednesday 9:15-11:00am

Messy Church at St Helen's

Family opportunities to explore the Christian faith through activity, story, prayer, song and a meal. This is ideal for Primary aged children and their families


Monthly on 2nd Monday at 3:20pm-5:00pm

Messy Church at St Luke's

Family opportunities to explore the christian faith through activity, story, prayer, song and a meal


Monthly on 2nd Monday at 3:20pm-5:00pm

Pre-Marriage Course

The Pre-Marriage Course is a series of sessions held over five weeks to help engaged couples or those exploring the possibility of marriage, build strong foundations for their future together.


River Store (Social Supermarket)

Open to all for anyone that needs a little help with food and essentials for a small donation. If money is tight for whatever reason, pop in and top up your cupboards.


Friday 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Rushmere Ducklings Baby and Toddler Group

Stay and play group for all pre-schoolers and their adults. There is no charge and free refreshments for children and adults


Friday mornings during Term-time 09:15-11:00

Rushmere Youth Club

Free youth club run by 4YP at Rushmere Baptist Church. For age: 10 to 16years. Free club, activities, snacks, games, crafts


Thursday evening from 4:00-6:00pm

Spring-Youth Group for Yr 7-11

Free group for young people at high school


Mondays term time 7:30pm to 9pm

Tea and Toast

Free breakfast in a warm and friendly environment.


Every Friday morning from 8.45 am - 10.30 am

Tots Plus at Christ Church

Tots plus provides a meeting point for parents or carers of children aged 0 - school age. The children engage in play and activities while the parents and carers socialise and enjoy coffee provided by the helpers. £1.50 per family for the morning.


Tuesday mornings in term time only 10:00 - 11:30

Tots and Toast Group

St Farncis and St Clare have a mums and tots group on Hawthorn Drive. All are welcome, not necessary to book in, just come along.


Wednesday morning Term time only 9-11

Wave Church Ipswich

A monthly gathering where we discover more about God, sing, pray for each other and enjoy time together with tea and cake. For adults with and without learning disabilities - a mix of family, carers and friends.


First Sunday each month 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Wave Kids

WAVE Kids is a monthly church for families of parents, carers, children under 16 with and without additional needs and their siblings. We aim to make church accessible for children with additional needs. WAVE stands for We're All Valued Equally and so all families are welcome.


4pm-5:30pm on the 3rd Sunday each month 2025 dates: 18th May, 15th June, 20th July, 21st Sept, 19th Oct, 21st Dec

Wave Support

We provide support for families with children with additional needs. We run Growing Hope parent courses called When Dreams Change and for siblings called the Siblings Group. We also provide a space for parents to drop in, have a hot drink and cake and support one another.


WAVE Support is offered at times that suit the parents/children who want to attend