Growing through play, rooted in Jesus - playtime, story, snack and convesation as we build community. Accessible for all. £1.50 per family.
Every Wednesday 9:15-11:00am
Family opportunities to explore the christian faith through activity, story, prayer, song and a meal
Monthly on 2nd Monday at 3:20pm-5:00pm
Safe Harbour hosts a free 2 course meal on the first Thursday each month at 6pm. On the other weeks there is a free lunch at 1pm followed by the chance to fill a bag with groceries for a donation of £2 at our Top Up Shop.
1st Thursday supper 6:00pm. Subsequent weeks Thursday lunch 1:00pm. Top Up Shop every Thursday 2:30pm.
Route2Freedom is a Christian charity based in Ipswich that helps those suffering from addictions, homelessness and other challenges find freedom from the past and discover a route to a better future. Our goal is to help people experience freedom from life controlling issues; whether that be homelessness or addiction.
Available on the street Tuesday and Friday 9:30 am to 2:30pm